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RFC-0000: name-of-my-feature


Max one paragraph long description to fill in context and overview of this RFC.


Why do we need this? What’s the problem you are trying to solve?


Explain it as if you’re writing documentation for an already existing feature. This is where you would add code samples, such as:

type MyType struct {
    text   string
    number int

func (mt MyType) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%q %d", mt.text, mt.number)


Bring up compatibility issues and other things to regard. How will this interfere with existing components (providers, database, frontend)? Does this break backward compatibility?

Alternative solutions

You pronounce one solution in this RFC, but keep the other alternatives you can think about in here.

Future possibilities

Does this lay groundwork for some future changes? If so, what?

Unresolved questions

Questions you [RFC author] want help resolving from the reviewers.

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