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RFC-0025: wharf-cmd provisioning


Our previous solution was oriented around Jenkins. This has been proven unstable and difficult for various reasons, such as deployment of Wharf and Jenkins together in Kubernetes, debugging capabilities, ability to execute .wharf-ci.yml builds locally, and relaying build logs and artifacts to the wharf-api and ultimately end-user, etc. This RFC describes our replacement of Jenkins with four new Wharf components.

There is a heavy focus on making the wharf-cmd-worker subcommand perform Wharf builds standalone, without a wharf-api and wharf-web to present the results.


Human-usable CLI

The goal is that Wharf should be able to be run locally. This means that it should not have a strong dependency on wharf-api or any other Wharf component, but instead just to run a build.

The only dependencies for running Wharf on a locally cloned repository should be to have a kubeconfig and executing wharf run

Splitting up wharf-cmd

The previous solution assumed the wharf-cmd component would be responsible for following tasks:

  • Provisioning: From a webhook trigger, provision new versions of itself to run the new build in.

    • Create Kubernetes pods with itself
    • Ensure repository containing .wharf-ci.yml is cloned (git clone)
  • Building: Execute Wharf build according to .wharf-ci.yml.

    • Create Kubernetes pod for each Wharf build step
    • Read logs from pod
    • Pull artifacts from pod
  • Reporting: Talk to wharf-api

    • Send build status updates
    • Send logs
    • Send artifacts

This architecture, as similar to the Jenkins which we are trying to emulate it may be, has some major issues:

  • Too much responsibility for a single component. Contains way too many reasons to change.

  • Hard dependency on the wharf-api. We’re instead focusing on a “local first” procedure, and having it be started by wharf-api as an add-on, instead of the other way around where we would have to lock it down to be able to run locally without a wharf-api to talk to.

  • Circular dependency: wharf-api depends on wharf-cmd when starting builds, and wharf-cmd depends on wharf-api when reporting build status and logs. This violates the “Acyclic-Dependencies Principle (ADP)”.

  • Bidirectional network access: Running builds in a different environment than where you’re hosting apps such as the wharf-api and wharf-web to distribute the workload and not accidentally throttle your services with builds. While the design makes it possible, it does require network access in both directions from the “hosting” environment back to the “building” environment.

  • No way to detect when a build went “missing”; where wharf-api thinks a build was started but status update was sent that it crashed or was removed from Kubernetes, and so it’s perpetually in “Scheduling” or “Running” status. This is misleading the user to thinking that Wharf is still trying to start the build while the truth is that wharf-api does nothing about it.

For these reasons, we are transitioning over to a master-worker architecture and separating some of these concerns into different components, all prefixed with wharf-cmd-.


The wharf-cmd repository ( is split up into four main subcommands:

Component Command
wharf-cmd-worker wharf run ...
wharf-cmd-provisioner wharf provisioner serve ...
wharf-cmd-aggregator wharf aggregator serve ...
wharf-cmd-watchdog wharf watchdog serve ...


diagram of new components

In the above diagram, components colored green are new components proposed in this RFC. The arrows signify the direction of communication and dependency.

For history and perspective, here’s our previous architectural design, with components proposed to be replaced colored red:

Diagram of previous design (click to expand) diagram of previous components

All communication is initiated by the end-user who can only talk to the wharf-api, and the flow looks like so:

sequence diagram

Whereas if the wharf-cmd-worker is executed locally, all but the Kubernetes API and the wharf-cmd-worker itself are involved:

standalone execution sequence diagram


  • wharf-cmd-worker: Component that reads the .wharf-ci.yml file and starts up Kubernetes pods or Docker containers to run the individual Wharf build steps. Sometimes referred to as “Wharf worker” or simply “worker”.

  • wharf-cmd-provisioner: Component that spins up Kubernetes pods or Docker containers that contains wharf-cmd-worker. Used by wharf-api as an abstraction so wharf-api does not need to know about the execution platform. Sometimes referred to as “Wharf provisioner” or simply “provisioner”.

  • wharf-cmd-aggregator: Component that connects to wharf-cmd-workers and wharf-api to feed build results from the workers over to the wharf-api. Sometimes referred to as “Wharf aggregator” or simply “aggregator”.

  • wharf-cmd-watchdog: Component that connects to wharf-cmd-provisioner and wharf-api to see if any builds that wharf-api thinks still exists no longer exists, and tells wharf-api about it.

  • build: An execution based on the definition from a .wharf-ci.yml file. It does not require binaries to be built, but the term “build” is used for consistency.

  • build step pod: A Kubernetes pod started by wharf-cmd-worker to execute a Wharf build step.

  • build step container: A Docker container started by wharf-cmd-worker to execute a Wharf build step, usually (but not strictly) referring to when targeting Docker instead of Kubernetes.

  • build results: Logs, artifacts, and status updates, created by the Wharf builds and exposed by the wharf-cmd-worker. Sometimes referred to as simply “results”.

  • hosting environment: The environment, such as a Kubernetes cluster, where the static Wharf components are hosted. This being all components except wharf-cmd-worker and their build step pods.

  • build environment: The environment, such as a Kubernetes cluster, where builds are performed by wharf-cmd-worker instance. This may or may not be the same cluster and even namespace as the other Wharf components (by mixing hosting and build environments), a decision left up to the system administrator who is installing Wharf.

Component: wharf-cmd-worker

  • Go package path:
  • Subcommand: wharf run ...

The work-horse of the wharf-cmd repository. Can be invoked as a standalone from an end-user’s local computer where only the build is performed and no wharf-api or database is needed, or the wharf-cmd-worker be spawned by wharf-cmd-provisioner when triggered via the wharf-api in a full deployment of all Wharf’s components in a Kubernetes cluster to gain the benefits of a web interface and cloud-hosted persistent storage of build history. See the comparison of the sequence diagrams in the #Diagrams section above.

The wharf-cmd-worker is short-lived. An instance is created for a specific Wharf build, and is terminated once the build is complete.

wharf-cmd-worker responsibilities

  • Interpret .wharf-ci.yml file from already cloned repository.

  • Start up pods (Kubernetes) or containers (Docker) to execute the steps defined in the .wharf-ci.yml file, using credentials from either ~/.kube/config or the in-cluster configuration.

  • Cache build results on its local disk storage.

  • Provide gRPC and HTTP/REST APIs to read cached build results.

  • Transfer repository containing .wharf-ci.yml into build pods.

wharf-cmd-worker HTTP server

Exposes HTTP server that listens for:

  • GET /api/build/step lists steps with their status, parent ID, and IDs
  • GET /api/artifact lists artifacts
  • GET /api/artifact/:artifactId/download downloads an artifact

wharf-cmd-worker gRPC server

Exposes gRPC server with service:

syntax = "proto3";
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";

// Versioning via package name, for future-proofing
package wharf.worker.v1;

option go_package = "";

service Worker {
  rpc Logs(LogsRequest) returns (stream LogsResponse);
  rpc StatusEvents(StatusEventsRequest) returns (stream StatusEventsResponse);
  rpc ArtifactEvent(ArtifactEventRequest) returns (stream ArtifactEventResponse);

// Empty messages, but exists for potential future usages
message LogRequest { }
message StatusEventsRequest { }
message ArtifactEventRequest { }

message LogResponse {
  int64 log_id = 1; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the log line
  int32 step_id = 2; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the step ID
  google.protobuf.Timestamp timestamp = 3;
  string line = 4;

message StatusEventsResponse {
  int32 event_id = 1; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the event
  int32 step_id = 2; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the step ID

  enum Status {
    RUNNING = 1;
    FAILED = 2;
    COMPLETED = 3;
  Status status = 3;

message ArtifactEventResponse {
  int32 artifact_id = 1; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the artifact
  int32 step_id = 2; // not DB value; worker's own ID of the step ID
  string name = 3;

wharf-cmd-worker build results storage

Events storage refers to the build results outputted from the wharf-cmd-worker’s child pods/containers. This needs to be cached inside the wharf-cmd-worker itself.

  • Why? To allow wharf-cmd-aggregator to sync the events when it can, instead of only when it arrives at the wharf-cmd-worker. This to not have data go lost just because wharf-cmd-aggregator crashed or was upgraded.

  • When? As data comes out from the wharf-cmd-worker’s child pods/containers. No polling should be made. All logs and events are to be streamed asynchronously by Kubernetes’s and Docker’s “event watch”/”logs follow” functionality.

  • Where? Just inside the container’s own storage. Not necessary to cache via Kubernetes Persistent Volumes or Docker volumes. The wharf-cmd-worker component will not be restarted when upgraded, and we do not tackle restoring state from a wharf-cmd-worker crash in this RFC.

    • Variables:

      • {buildId}: build ID provided to (or generated by) wharf-cmd-worker
      • {stepId}: integer step ID generated by wharf-cmd-worker
      • {artifactId}: integer artifact ID generated by wharf-cmd-worker
      • {artifactFileName}: string file name
      • {resultsDir}: string path, defaults to /tmp/iver-wharf/build/{buildId}
    • Paths:

      • Logs: {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/output.log
      • Build status updates: {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/status.json
      • Artifact metadata: {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/artifacts.json
      • Artifact BLOBs: {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/artifacts/{artifactId}-{artifactFileName}
  • How?

    • Logs will be streamed directly to file. One log message per line, prefixed with the RFC-3339 (with nanoseconds) formatted time (time.RFC3339Nano) and a space, where the line index will be the wharf-cmd-worker’s internal log event ID.

      • Kubernetes: Use API equivalent to kubectl logs ${podName} --timestamps
      • Docker: Use API equivalent to docker logs ${containerName} --timestamps

      This time format is carefully chosen as both Kubernetes and Docker outputs this format when provided with the --timestamps flag. Meaning the streaming of logs can be piped directly to a file by wharf-cmd-worker for super-fast storing of logs.

      Example log file {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}.log:

      2021-11-24T11:22:00.000Z [2021-11-24 11:22] Restoring packages for "myProject"...
      2021-11-24T11:22:03.200Z  Done in 3.2s.
      2021-11-24T11:22:03.800Z [2021-11-24 11:22] Compiling "myProject"...
      2021-11-24T11:22:08.800Z  Done in 5s.
    • Build status update events will be stored as a single JSON object.

      • Kubernetes: Use API equivalent to running kubectl get pod ${podName} --watch or kubectl get events --watch

      • Docker: Use API equivalent to polling docker container inspect ${containerName}

      Example build status updates file {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/status.json:

        "statusUpdates": [
          { "statusId": 1, "timestamp": "2021-11-24T11:22:00.000Z", "statusId": 0},
          { "statusId": 2, "timestamp": "2021-11-24T11:22:03.200Z", "statusId": 1},
          { "statusId": 4, "timestamp": "2021-11-24T11:22:08.800Z", "statusId": 3}
    • Artifacts will be stored as files at {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/artifacts/{artifactId}_{artifactFileName}. Metadata about the artifacts will be stored as a single JSON object at {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/artifacts.json.

      • Kubernetes: Set up a sidecar with a shared emptyDir. When main job has finished then use API equivalent to kubectl cp from the sidecar.

      • Docker: Use API equivalent to docker cp, which can be done on terminated containers.

      Example artifacts metadata file {resultsDir}/steps/{stepId}/artifacts.json:

        "artifacts": [
          { "artifactId": 1, "name": "myArtifact.png", "path": "artifacts/1_myArtifact.png" }

      The "name" is the actual name used when provided via the wharf-cmd-worker’s HTTP and gRPC APIs. The "path" is the path of where the BLOB is cached, relative to the artifacts.json file. This distinction is needed to preserve the file name when running wharf-cmd-worker on a Windows machine, as Windows has much more strict rules for file names compared to GNU/Linux and Mac OS X and would therefore need some escaping/normalization when caching on a Windows machine.

wharf-cmd-worker transferal of repository

  • Docker:

    1. Copy the repository to a temporary location, such as /tmp/iver-wharf/wharf-cmd/build/{buildId}/{stepId}/repo, including hidden directories and files such as the .git directory.

    2. Mount the directory as a volume into the to-be-created container.

    3. When execution is done, remove the temporary repository clone.

  • Kubernetes:

    1. Create pod with an init container named init-repo to the pod that sits and waits and an emptyDir volume mapped to both the init container and the regular container for this build step, mounted at /mnt/repo.

    2. Perform kubectl cp {repoRoot} {podName}:/mnt/repo --container "init-repo" (or equivalent).

    3. Tell the init container to complete. Execution of regular container can start.

This means that a “dirty” Git repository (with changed or untracked files) will be copied as-is. It also means that any .gitignore‘d files will also be copied over, so performance when running locally towards a Kubernetes cluster may degrade significantly on slower networks as the repository needs to be transferred multiple times, once per Wharf build step.

wharf-cmd-worker Kubernetes ownerReferences

While wharf-cmd-worker is responsible for cleaning up after itself, it can use Kubernetes to aid it in case of unexpected crashes.

The Kubernetes metadata.ownerReferences key is assigned by wharf-cmd-worker in its Wharf build step pods, with values pointing to the wharf-cmd-worker pod that started the job.


apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: wharf-cmd-worker-bc314agers-brs13a
  labels: 123 myStage myStep

  ## Important part:
    - apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
      name: wharf-cmd-worker-bc314agers
      uid: a1211487-9a07-4b87-a577-e9624d08f783
      blockOwnerDeletion: true
      controller: true

  - name: container
    image: ubuntu:latest

This will effectively make it so if the owner, wharf-cmd-worker-bc314agers, is terminated then the child pods will automatically be deleted as well.

Note: This is only possible if the wharf-cmd-worker is hosted in the Kubernetes cluster as well, in the same namespace as the Wharf build step pods. Therefore, this is an optional feature that’s only applied in certain flows, such as when starting a job via the wharf-cmd-provisioner.

For this to be possible, wharf-cmd-worker needs to know its own name and UID. This is accomplished via environment variables:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: wharf-cmd-worker-bc314agers
    - name: wharf-cmd-worker
          value: "true"
              apiVersion: v1
              apiVersion: v1
              fieldPath: metadata.uid

These environment variable mappings has to be set up by the wharf-cmd-provisioner, but the wharf-cmd-worker has to support them and take advantage of them when creating its child pods.

Component: wharf-cmd-provisioner

  • Go package path:
  • Subcommand: wharf provisioner serve ...

wharf-cmd-provisioner responsibilities

  • REST/HTTP API endpoint to start up (create) pods containing:

    • service account with permission to create new pods in the same namespace.
    • init container that clones the repository on the correct commit or branch.
    • work container with wharf-cmd-worker to operate on the cloned repository.
  • REST/HTTP API endpoint to list and delete existing pods.

wharf-cmd-provisioner HTTP server

Exposes HTTP server that listens for:

  • GET /api/worker, called by wharf-cmd-watchdog to evaluate which builds have missing workers.

  • POST /api/worker, called by wharf-api to start build, thereby starting wharf-cmd-worker pods.

  • DELETE /api/worker/:workerId, called by wharf-api when cancelling a build or when a build is marked as done (status = Succeeded or Failed), or by wharf-cmd-watchdog when it has issued removal of a worker that doesn’t exist in the wharf-api.

Component: wharf-cmd-aggregator

  • Go package path:
  • Subcommand: wharf aggregator serve ...

wharf-cmd-aggregator responsibilities

  • Watch the Kubernetes building environment / namespace for new wharf-cmd-worker pods and connect to them.

  • For each wharf-cmd-worker, via their gRPC and HTTP APIs, listen for build results and forward them to the wharf-api.

wharf-cmd-aggregator connecting to wharf-cmd-worker

The wharf-cmd-aggregator is provided with Kubernetes credentials to access the same building environment as the wharf-cmd-provisioner targets.

As this “build environment” could live in a separate Kubernetes cluster, we cannot rely on Kubernetes’ internal DNS and network.

Instead, port-forwarding will be used to connect randomly selected ports on the wharf-cmd-aggregator over to the published ports on the wharf-cmd-worker for gRPC and HTTP/REST traffic.

With the limit of 65k ports by the OS, an instance of wharf-cmd-aggregator has an upper limit of connecting to approximately 32k wharf-cmd-worker instances.

This limit can be avoided by increasing the number of wharf-cmd-aggregator replicas to share the load, but it’s estimated that the network throughput will be a limiting factor long before wharf-cmd-aggregator reaches this theoretical upper limit.

wharf-cmd-aggregator scaling

For larger deployments of Wharf with large amount of wharf-cmd-workers active at the same time, the wharf-cmd-aggregator can be scaled up to spread the load of feeding data from the wharf-cmd-workers to the wharf-api.

Each wharf-cmd-aggregator instance is deployed with a distinct integer filtering value, ranging from 1 to N, where N is the number of wharf-cmd-aggregator replicas.

For Kubernetes-hosted Wharf, the wharf-cmd-aggregator is deployed as an StatefulSet where this filtering index is the “Ordinal Index” for each given instance, plus 1.

The wharf-cmd-aggregator watches the build environment for new pods and filters out the result based on a modulo operation where the filtering value is the right-hand operand, and some uniquely identifiable integer is the left-hand operand.

For Kubernetes-hosted Wharf, the left-hand operand is the wharf-cmd-worker pod’s UID (.metadata.uid) converted to an integer.

The result of this is that, given that all of the wharf-cmd-aggregator are up and ready, no two instances will connect to the same wharf-cmd-worker.

For example, given there are 3 replicas:

wharf-cmd-worker wharf-cmd-aggregator
wharf-cmd-worker-0 wharf-cmd-aggregator-0
wharf-cmd-worker-1 wharf-cmd-aggregator-1
wharf-cmd-worker-2 wharf-cmd-aggregator-2
wharf-cmd-worker-3 wharf-cmd-aggregator-0
wharf-cmd-worker-4 wharf-cmd-aggregator-1
wharf-cmd-worker-5 wharf-cmd-aggregator-2

Component: wharf-cmd-watchdog

  • Go package path:
  • Subcommand: wharf watchdog serve ...

Name is a direct reference to a watchdog timer; a computer chip which’s entire job is to watch for corrupt states.

wharf-cmd-watchdog responsibilities

  • The wharf-cmd-watchdog component only talks to the wharf-api and the wharf-cmd-provisioner.

  • Find “missing” and “stray” builds by performing differentials on the list of builds from wharf-api and the list of wharf-cmd-worker’s from wharf-cmd-provisioner, and invoke updates to both when they are out of sync.

wharf-cmd-watchdog procedure

On an interval of 5 minutes (configurable), wharf-cmd-watchdog will:

  1. Get list of workers from wharf-cmd-provisioner.

  2. Get the list of active builds from the wharf-api (where build status is none of: Failed, Succeeded)

  3. Calculate differentials and report inconsistencies:

    • For any build in wharf-cmd-provisioner’s results, but not in wharf-api’s results, and worker has lived longer than 1 minute (configurable), tell wharf-cmd-provisioner to cancel those builds.

    • For any build in wharf-api’s results but not in wharf-cmd-provisioner’s results, and build is older than 1 minute (configurable), tell wharf-api to update the build’s status to “Failed”.

If any of the above tasks fails, then wharf-cmd-watchdog will log a warning and retry first on the next planned iteration cycle. The added worker/build lifetime check is to get around any potential race-conditions.

Component: wharf-api

wharf-api responsibilities

  • Stay as a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) store, and the source of truth.

  • When creating a new build in the database, also tell wharf-cmd-provisioner to create a new wharf-cmd-worker instance for that build.

wharf-api changes

Changes are made to the existing wharf-api:

  • response.Build and database.Build gets a new “worker ID” string field (see #Concept: Worker ID, which is automatically assigned by wharf-api after calling wharf-cmd-provisioner’s POST /api/worker endpoint.

    @@ pkg/model/database/database.go @@
     type Build struct {
         BuildID             uint                `gorm:"primaryKey"`
         StatusID            BuildStatus         `gorm:"not null"`
         ProjectID           uint                `gorm:"not null;index:build_idx_project_id"`
         Project             *Project            `gorm:"foreignKey:ProjectID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE"`
         ScheduledOn         null.Time           `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL"`
         StartedOn           null.Time           `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL"`
         CompletedOn         null.Time           `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL"`
         GitBranch           string              `gorm:"size:300;not null;default:''"`
         Environment         null.String         `gorm:"nullable;size:40" swaggertype:"string"`
         Stage               string              `gorm:"size:40;not null;default:''"`
    +    WorkerID            string              `gorm:"not null;default:''"`
         Params              []BuildParam        `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE"`
         IsInvalid           bool                `gorm:"not null;default:false"`
         TestResultSummaries []TestResultSummary `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID"`
    @@ pkg/model/response/response.go @@
     type Build struct {
         BuildID               uint                  `json:"buildId" minimum:"0"`
         StatusID              int                   `json:"statusId" enums:"0,1,2,3"`
         Status                BuildStatus           `json:"status" enums:"Scheduling,Running,Completed,Failed"`
         ProjectID             uint                  `json:"projectId" minimum:"0"`
         ScheduledOn           null.Time             `json:"scheduledOn" format:"date-time" extensions:"x-nullable"`
         StartedOn             null.Time             `json:"startedOn" format:"date-time" extensions:"x-nullable"`
         CompletedOn           null.Time             `json:"finishedOn" format:"date-time" extensions:"x-nullable"`
         GitBranch             string                `json:"gitBranch"`
         Environment           null.String           `json:"environment" swaggertype:"string" extensions:"x-nullable"`
         Stage                 string                `json:"stage"`
    +    WorkerID              string                `json:"workerId"`
         Params                []BuildParam          `json:"params"`
         IsInvalid             bool                  `json:"isInvalid"`
         TestResultSummaries   []TestResultSummary   `json:"testResultSummaries"`
         TestResultListSummary TestResultListSummary `json:"testResultListSummary"`
  • database.Log gets new fields:

    Note the index tags on the WorkerLogID and WorkerStepID fields. This is because these fields will be heavily queried during ingestion.

    @@ pkg/model/database/database.go @@
     type Log struct {
         LogID        uint      `gorm:"primaryKey"`
    +    WorkerLogID  uint      `gorm:"not null;default:0;index:log_idx_worker_log_id"`
    +    WorkerStepID uint      `gorm:"not null;default:0;index:log_idx_worker_step_id"`
         BuildID      uint      `gorm:"not null;index:log_idx_build_id"`
         Build        *Build    `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE"`
         Message      string    `sql:"type:text"`
         Timestamp    time.Time `gorm:"not null"`
  • The response.Log struct is left unchanged.

Concept: Worker ID

The worker ID is a string that uniquely identifies a worker for a given wharf-cmd-provisioner. The content of the ID does only need to make sense to the wharf-cmd-provisioner, as it’s used when listing and deleting existing wharf-cmd-worker instances.

  • For Kubernetes this is the pod’s name.
  • For Docker this is the container’s ID (which is a hex-formatted SHA256 sum).

Concept: log_id, step_id, event_id, and artifact_id

The responses from wharf-cmd-worker’s APIs contains a lot of ID fields. As noted by the comments, these are not values from Wharf’s database but instead values assigned and tracked by the wharf-cmd-worker.

These values needs to be stored in the database to allow the wharf-cmd-aggregator to make idempotent insertions into the database. With this, if the wharf-cmd-aggregator restarts in the middle of streaming, it can still recover where it left off without causing duplicated data inside the database.

Sample insertions logic in wharf-api:

// @router /build/{buildId}/log [put]
func (m buildModule) createLog(c *gin.Context) {
  var reqLog request.Log
  buildID, _ := ginutil.ParseParamUint(c, "buildId")

  var dbLog = database.Log{
    BuildID:      buildId,
    WorkerStepID: reqLog.WorkerStepID,
    WorkerLogID:  reqLog.WorkerLogID,
    Message:      reqLog.Message,

    BuildID:      buildId,
    WorkerStepID: reqLog.WorkerStepID,
    WorkerLogID:  reqLog.WorkerLogID,


No authentication will be performed in this first iteration for the wharf-cmd-worker or wharf-cmd-provisioner. These components are not meant to be exposed and can therefore rely on the network filtering away all traffic from any potential end-users.

If authentication is enabled in wharf-api (implementation of RFC-0013), then the wharf-cmd-aggregator and wharf-cmd-watchdog needs logic to authenticate properly.


The interface for starting builds from wharf-api’s perspective is the same as our previous Jenkins-oriented solution. Meaning switching back to our previous solution is possible until we deem our new solution (the one proposed in this RFC) stable enough.

Full compatibility is expected with existing .wharf-ci.yml files as wharf-cmd is designed to be feature-par with the previous implementation.

Alternative solutions

  • Have wharf-api poll data from wharf-cmd-workers instead of the wharf-cmd-aggregator. But this means the wharf-api would increase it’s responsibility from just being a CRUD store.

  • Have wharf-cmd-worker talk directly to the wharf-api. This idea was disregarded due to the issues mentioned in the #Motivation section above.

  • Let the wharf-cmd-worker only serve gRPC instead of also HTTP. But gRPC has horrible performance when it comes to large binaries as it has to buffer each message as a whole, so we use regular HTTP which can stream files from disk to the network for our artifacts transfer.

  • Add trailing newline in the message field on a log instead of adding new field "lineEnding", such as storing {"message":"Compiling..."} instead of {"message":"Compiling...","lineEnding":""}.

    This however breaks backward compatibility, as logs have so far not been stored with trailing newlines in the database for existing builds. Keeping backward compatibility is important as we need Jenkins as a fallback solution until wharf-cmd is stable enough.

  • Use a local database for build results in wharf-cmd-worker, such as Sqlite. However, there are some major drawbacks to using Sqlite:

    • Must compile with CGo

    • User who runs wharf-cmd-worker locally cannot access results directly, but must instead first export them from the Sqlite .db file.

    • Cannot stream cell data from Sqlite. So artifacts should still be stored on disk to not force artifacts to fit inside the wharf-cmd-worker’s RAM just for buffering.

  • Add init container to each build step pod that wharf-cmd-worker creates, instead of having it transfer the repository. Cloning at the beginning of each step is how it worked before, but it has its drawbacks:

    • Adds unnecessary requests to the repository host (e.g a self-hosted GitLab with bad performance or a bad network connection to said host) when it already has the repository cloned.

    • Previous implementation had issue with race conditions, where it started a build on the master branch, and mid-build master was updated, so the files were inconsistent throughout the same build.

    • wharf-cmd-worker requires credentials to the repository with the .wharf-ci.yml file to be able to clone it for each step.

Future possibilities

  • Allow filtering in the wharf-cmd-worker’s gRPC API, such as:

    import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
    message LogRequest {
      int32 start_id // only logs starting with ID
      int32 step_id // only logs from certain step
      google.protobuf.Timestamp since // only logs since timestamp
      google.protobuf.Timestamp before // only logs before timestamp

    This could let the wharf-cmd-aggregator to skip all the logs it already knows about (in coordination with wharf-api to figure out this start_id), resulting in faster recovery after a reboot of wharf-cmd-aggregator.

  • Kubernetes support will be of main focus to get feature complete first, and can later be used in the Docker implementation for reference. While this RFC mentions Docker implementation details, it is merely there to plan ahead.

  • Extracting the Kubernetes and Docker implementations into different plugins would be wise to trim down the binary size and make Wharf mode extensible without needing the new targets get merged with the upstream repository.

    This proposal does not however restrict us from extracting the functionality into a plugin-architecture later.

  • Transferal of repository can be heavily optimized from the proposed implementation in this RFC. Such as:

    • We can support Persistent Volumes (PV) when wharf-cmd-worker is hosted in Kubernetes, where the PV would only need to be set up once and could then be mounted into the various pods. However, this needs further investigation as not all Container Storage Interfaces (CSI) provisioners support mounting a PV (even in read-only mode) on to multiple Kubernetes nodes. Perhaps even streamlining it so the initial clone is made directly on to the mounted PV. Need to be careful here though as stray PVCs must also be cleaned up properly.

    • We could add logic to tar the repository only once and then reusing the same repo.tar file in transferal of repo files when targeting Kubernetes (both from local machine and from Kubernetes-hosted wharf-cmd-worker). Adding in some compression such as gzip, xz, or brotli could improve performance a lot for builds with numerous build steps.

    • We could add a flag for only transferring the tracked Git files, by doing the equivalent to tar -cf repo.tar .git $(git ls-files). This could improve performance for NPM or .NET projects a lot as they store the dependencies inside the repositories but .gitignore‘d. Fetching the dependencies on each build step inside the cluster could be much better performing if the Kubernetes cluster has magnitudes better network.

Unresolved questions

  • Names of components. Please supply additional pros/cons with each suggestion, and perhaps come with suggestions of your own. The examples are in no particular order.

    It’s always the exiting time for choosing a component’s name. It’s an important decision as we’ll use this name in verbal and written communication from here on out. Choosing a name that’s self-explanatory is key to making Wharf’s component easily understood.

    Below are a bunch of brainstorm ideas.

    • Alternative names for component that runs the .wharf-ci.yml scheme? Ex:

      • wharf-cmd-worker
      • wharf-cmd-runner (matches the subcommand)
      • wharf-cmd-engine
      • wharf-cmd-builder (correlates nicely with build from the wharf-api)
      • wharf-cmd-processor
      • wharf-cmd-agent (suggests it sits and waits, instead of on-demand)
      • wharf-cmd-executor (violent)
      • wharf-cmd (ambiguous)
    • Alternative names for component forwards build results to the wharf-api? Ex:

      • wharf-cmd-aggregator
      • wharf-cmd-monitor
      • wharf-cmd-ingest
      • wharf-cmd-reporter
      • wharf-cmd-relay (confusing semantic: who’s relaying to who?)
      • wharf-cmd-broker (mostly used in legal and SQL contexts)
      • wharf-cmd-proxy (not proxying anything as nothing is contacting it)
      • wharf-cmd-egress (collides with networking terms)
    • Alternative names for component that starts up the builder pods when requested to do so by the wharf-api? Ex:

      • wharf-cmd-provisioner
      • wharf-cmd-scheduler (y: adds builds as Scheduling, n: find existing)
      • wharf-cmd-orchestrator (suggests it manages pods on its own)
      • wharf-cmd-manager (suggests it manages pods on its own)
      • wharf-cmd-ingress (collides with networking terms)
      • wharf-cmd-server (overused in IT to refer to website/game backends)
    • Alternative names for component that watches builder pods to detect “missing” builds? Ex:

      • wharf-cmd-watchdog (spot on reference to watchdog computer chips)
      • wharf-cmd-watcher
      • wharf-cmd-monitor

Copyright © 2021 Wharf (Iver Sverige AB). Distributed by an MIT license.

Page last modified: 2022-01-04.