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RFC-0014: rework-handling-of-test-results


The intent is to avoid filtering and parsing test result files (TRX) from the generated artifacts each time we want to display them or a summary.

In addition, we want to display the test result summary in the builds list.

We also want the ability to display more detailed test results. For this, we will store the messages that the tests produce, as well their names. At the very least for failed tests.


The Status field in wharf-web’s project view (Failed/Completed) currently calls an endpoint that asks the server to fetch all TRX files for the build, and take the most recent one. Then it parses the file to see how many failed/completed tests there were. It does this for every build in the view, every time it is refreshed. This leads to unnecessary requests and computation. This, in turn, slows down the response times and increases the API load.

Showing the tests’ outcomes ( :heavy_check_mark:/:large_orange_diamond:/:x: ) of the tests in the builds list also makes it easier to navigate for the end-user. It is likely beneficial to include the amounts of each outcome here as well.

Having the tests’ error messages is also pretty much a necessity when trying to fix them. Currently, there is no way to ask the API for them.



The POST /build/{buildid}/artifact endpoint handles inserting artifacts, same as before. However, if it’s a test results file (eg: .trx), one should call the POST /build/{buildid}/test-results endpoint instead. This tells the server to parse them as well, creating several TestResultDetails and one TestResultSummary per TRX file.

The summaries get inserted into the database table test_result_summary.
The results get inserted into the database table test_result_detail.

Database structure

New or modified database models

// database_models.go
type Build struct {
  BuildID     uint         `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"buildId"`
  StatusID    BuildStatus  `gorm:"not null" json:"statusId"`
  ProjectID   uint         `gorm:"not null;index:build_idx_project_id" json:"projectId"`
  Project     *Project     `gorm:"foreignKey:ProjectID;constraint:OnUpdate:RESTRICT,OnDelete:RESTRICT" json:"-"`
  ScheduledOn *time.Time   `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL" json:"scheduledOn" format:"date-time"`
  StartedOn   *time.Time   `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL" json:"startedOn" format:"date-time"`
  CompletedOn *time.Time   `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL" json:"finishedOn" format:"date-time"`
  GitBranch   string       `gorm:"size:300;default:'';not null" json:"gitBranch"`
  Environment null.String  `gorm:"nullable;size:40" json:"environment" swaggertype:"string"`
  Stage       string       `gorm:"size:40;default:'';not null" json:"stage"`
  Params      []BuildParam `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID" json:"params"`
  IsInvalid   bool         `gorm:"not null;default:false" json:"isInvalid"`
+ TestResultSummaries []TestResultSummary `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID" json:"testResultSummaries"`

+type TestResultSummary struct {
+  TestResultSummaryID uint `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"testResultSummaryId"`
+  ArtifactID  uint      `gorm:"not null;index:testresultsummary_idx_artifact_id" json:"artifactId"`
+  Artifact    *Artifact `gorm:"foreignKey:ArtifactID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"-"`
+  BuildID     uint      `gorm:"not null;index:testresultsummary_idx_build_id" json:"buildId"`
+  Build       *Build    `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"-"`
+  Total       uint      `gorm:"not null" json:"total"`
+  Failed      uint      `gorm:"not null" json:"failed"`
+  Passed      uint      `gorm:"not null" json:"passed"`
+  Skipped     uint      `gorm:"not null" json:"skipped"`

+type TestResultDetail struct {
+  TestResultDetailID uint       `gorm:"primaryKey" json:"testResultDetailId"`
+  ArtifactID  uint              `gorm:"not null;index:testresult_idx_artifact_id" json:"artifactId"`
+  Artifact    *Artifact         `gorm:"foreignKey:ArtifactID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"-"`
+  BuildID     uint              `gorm:"not null;index:testresult_idx_build_id" json:"buildId"`
+  Build       *Build            `gorm:"foreignKey:BuildID;constraint:OnUpdate:CASCADE,OnDelete:CASCADE" json:"-"`
+  Name        string            `gorm:"not null" json:"name"`
+  Message     null.String       `gorm:"nullable" json:"message"`
+  StartedOn   *time.Time        `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL;" json:"startedOn" format:"date-time"`
+  CompletedOn *time.Time        `gorm:"nullable;default:NULL;" json:"completedOn" format:"date-time"`
+  Status      TestResultStatus  `gorm:"not null" enums:"Failed,Passed,Skipped"`

New functions, methods, and structs

// artifact.go
type File struct {
  name string
  fileName string
  data []bytes
// @router /build/{buildid}/test-results [put]
func (m ArtifactModule) putTestResultsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
  // parseMultipartFormData to get the files
  // for each file, parse and store in db
  // then sends a response with the summary
// @router /build/{buildid]/test-result-details [get]
func (m ArtifactModule) getBuildAllTestResultDetailsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
  // fetch all test result details for build
// @router /build/{buildid}/test-result-details/{testresultsummaryid} [get]
func (m ArtifactModule) getBuildTestResultDetailsHandler(c *gin.Context) {
  // fetch all test result details for specific test for build
// @router /build/{buildid}/test-results-summary [get]
func (m ArtifactModule) getBuildTestResultsSummary(c *gin.Context) {
  // fetch sum of each artifact's test result summary for build
  // as well as the list of each artifact's test result summary

func parseMultipartFormData(c *gin.Context) []*File {
  // ...

func parseTRX(file *File) []TestResult, TestResultSummary {
  // ...

The new endpoint GET /build/{buildid}/test-results-summary fetches all test result summaries for a build and constructs a JSON response like:

GET /build/42/test-results-summary

  "failed": 4,
  "passed": 5,
  "skipped": 0,
  "artifacts": [
      "artifactId": 123,
      "filename": "MyResults1.trx",
      "failed": 1,
      "passed": 3,
      "skipped": 0
      "artifactId": 124,
      "filename": "MyResults2.trx",
      "failed": 3,
      "passed": 2,
      "skipped": 0


wharf-web changes to use the new endpoints

  • GET /build/{buildid}/test-results-summary
    To get summary of all test result summaries for build.

  • GET /build/{buildid}/test-result-details
    To get all test result details for build. Supports pagination: ?limit=10&offset=20&orderby=asc

  • GET /build/{buildid}/test-result-details/{testresultid}
    To get specific test result details for build.

  • POST /build/{buildid}/test-results
    To upload test result files for build.
    Also responds with the same data as if calling GET /build/{buildid}/test-results-summary after.

Deprecated endpoint (Add @deprecated flag in wharf-api)

  • GET /build/{buildid}/tests-results

There would also be a way to view a build’s test results’ details. #17 Something like this,

Details | Logs | Tests :x: | Artifacts

  • :heavy_check_mark: Passed: 256
  • :large_orange_diamond: Skipped: 0
  • :x: Failed: 3

Failed tests


Error: Strings did not match
  Expected: Foo
    Actual: Bar


Nothing comes to mind.

Alternative solutions

Nothing comes to mind.

Future possibilities

Nothing comes to mind.

Unresolved questions

Nothing comes to mind.

Resolved questions

  • I am having trouble thinking of how to test filling out the database with data from the old test results. What would be a good way to do this?
    • We can ignore this. There’s not much to gain from this.
  • Is an upload endpoint, separate from the one for other artifacts, for test results necessary? I can see it being necessary if somebody wants to upload local test results or something, but it doesn’t feel like that would be required. ref. to: Create a separate method to upload test results apart from artifacts
    • Yes. Separating responsibilities into separate endpoints allows the existing endpoint to remain “dumb”, while at the same time allowing us to expand the functionality of the new endpoint with flags/logic.
  • As mentioned in #17, we are unlikely to have to store successful test details. Is there any foreseeable drawback to going that route?
    • Yes. It can be good to store successful tests to, for example, notice performance regression. Seeing which tests have been skipped can also be good to determine whether they have been skipped by mistake or not. Successful tests should probably be made opt-in, while skipped tests can be made opt-out.
  • Should we model this to support other test result formats as well?
    • It currently looks extensible enough. Attachments or other test fail states can be considered later. I.e., when we want to start supporting something like Java’s JUnit, JS Jest, Go’s built-in test runner, et al.
  • If we decide to support other test result formats, in what way should the client inform the API of what kind of format it is sending?
    • Optional parameter, default tries to guess based on file extension. Specifying it forces an attempt to parse as that format.
      e.g. ?format=TRX - Force parsing as TRX.

Copyright © 2021 Wharf (Iver Sverige AB). Distributed by an MIT license.

Page last modified: 2021-07-14.